invest in a company

美 [ɪnˈvest ɪn ə ˈkʌmpəni]英 [ɪnˈvest ɪn ə ˈkʌmpəni]
  • 对一家公司进行投资
invest in a companyinvest in a company
  1. If a VC wants to invest in a company , she may only get the option once a year .


  2. Imagine that you were asked to invest in a company based purely on its sales growth over the past year .


  3. invest in a company with a " good jobs strategy " such as Costco and your money would have tripled .


  4. " Most venture capitalists will not invest in a company lacking strong management , particularly at the chief executive officer level "


  5. His firm was able to invest in a company by offering it access to a renewable energy technology developed by a US company in which it held a stake .


  6. Maggie Lee , who lead manages the Invesco Asian infrastructure fund , says Invesco won 't invest in a company without reported profits .


  7. Venture firms with female partners are three times as likely to invest in a company with a female chief executive , according to the Diana Project at Babson College .


  8. Problem : In the world of today 's business , there is a trend for investors not only to base their decisions whether to invest in a company on the basis of its financial results .


  9. If you had invested $ 100 in Walmart 10 years ago your money would have grown 40 per cent ; invest in a company with a good jobs strategy such as Costco and your money would have tripled .


  10. He will invest in a new company .


  11. Those people who buy stocks are actually investors , who invest money in a company or business .


  12. But even a good one has its limits . A new study suggests that venture capitalists rarely consider the business plan when deciding whether to invest in a new company .


  13. Rakuten said : " There are articles in the media that Rakuten intends to invest in a certain airline company . The information was not announced by Rakuten and there are no facts to be disclosed at the present time . " AirAsia declined to comment .


  14. With his help I arranged to invest some money in a shipping company called Clarrikers .
